• SEO Offpage Must Know

    There are hundreds of search engines, but you only need to concentrate on Google, Yahoo and MSN because they will send a lot of traffic your way.

    Google has the biggest share of traffic and you want to make sure that you learn how to get top rankings in this search engine.

    Before I give you some of my secrets to get on the first page of organic results, let me give you an overview of SEO.

    What is search engine optimization?

    It is simply the art of onpage and offpage optimization.

    Offpage optimization is getting the right factor on your website. Here are some of these. You need to research your keywords and add your best keyword in the title. Make sure to add a description as well in your head tag.

    Then, you will make sure to have a low keyword density. It is also important Seocliniq to use latent semantic keywords.

    Offpage optimization is getting a lot of links pointing back to your website. They are called SEO Checklist backlinks. Getting others to link back to your website will add as a vote in your favor, and the more links you can get, the better will be your position in Google.

    How to get links?

    There are many ways to get backlinks, and the one that work best for me are the following:

    1. Add new page to your site

    2. Exchange links with other webmasters

    3. Write articles and submit them to directories

    The web 20 is also an excellent opportunity to get backlinks to your website for free.

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